
Careers Network

Students from diverse backgrounds

Supporting care leavers

A care leaver is defined as a young person who has been in the care of, or has been given accommodation by, their local authority (LA) for a period of at least 13 weeks before the age of 16. We recognise that as a care leaver, your path to get to university may have been more complex, and you may be facing additional barriers and challenges when it comes to navigating your career and gaining work experience. Careers Network are here to provide you with tailored support and resources to help you maximise your development of skills and career readiness.

Appointments and advice

Careers Network is committed to encouraging and empowering all students and graduates to reach their personal best in their personal and professional life. Our Careers Consultants and careers staff are trained to give impartial and non-judgemental tailored information, advice and guidance on your individual needs. You can book an appointment to see an advisor .

Work experience

Getting work experience is key to giving you the best possible chances of gaining skills and experience towards your future career. Trying to gain this may be difficult if you are managing part time work. Careers Network can help you find a way of gaining experience in a more flexible manner to fit around your other responsibilities. This can include short term or virtual work shadowing, volunteering (including one off opportunities), internships, speculative applications, and part time work.

Professional Networks

Developing professional contacts is also very important and Careers Network can support you through giving you the option to get a mentor on Lboro Connect to talk through areas you would like to develop. As the mentoring is delivered digitally (via email, Lboro Connect or skype), this can fit more easily around your other responsibilities. Please come and speak to an advisor for confidential support and more information.